When I weighed 204 pounds my BMI was 41.2. Any BMI over 35 is considered "morbid obesity". Any BMI over 40 is stage 3 obese.
Which means I was stage 3 and morbidly obese.
That fact gives me chills. Even after a year and a half later. I can not believe I was that big.
Check me out...
You see, I didn't really realize what I was doing. I was overweight since I was about 8. I didn't really understand calories. I knew what foods were healthy. But for some reason. The two didn't connect. I can't explain it. I just didn't get it. When I was an adult I didn't think it was possible to lose weight on purpose.
The sad part is, I still have a BMI of 28. Still overweight.
I needed to see it for what it really is. Death.
Sometimes I might seem crazy for the way I eat. Because its not like other people.
But I must be this way. Because I want to live.
And here I am today. (well.. last week)

The sad part is, I still have a BMI of 28. Still overweight.
I needed to see it for what it really is. Death.
Sometimes I might seem crazy for the way I eat. Because its not like other people.
But I must be this way. Because I want to live.
And here I am today. (well.. last week)

Its more than what I look like. Its about my health.
Who knows the damage I've already done. Being healthy is worth eating things that aren't always the tastiest or most popular. Its worth it.