Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 10 pound challenge.

Its my 2 year weightless anniversary month!

I am eager to lose 10 pounds this month. I've already lost 1 pound!

Who's with me?!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring is coming! And I wanna go running! outside!

Hidden calories!

So your on a diet. You've been watching what you eat and exercising.. and yet.. the scale won't budge. Its time to look for.. the HIDDEN calories.

I love cereal.. but one problem. Most cereals have like 130 calories without milk it just 3/4 a cup.
That's not a lot of cereal. So I'm guessing your eating 2-3 servings. And drinking the milk.

Perhaps its time to get out that measuring cup or switch to oatmeal or toast. Something you can measure. (check out kellog's website-http://www2.kelloggs.com/)

My recent find is Honeycombs. Childhood favorite. Bringing it back.. It has less that 200 calories with milk and 1 1/2 cups a serving.

How many calories are lurking in your morning coffee? Adding cream & sugar? you could be taking your calorie free coffee up to 300 calories. For a small cup. Lay off the sugar and check out light creams or use fat free milk with truvia with flavored coffee. And for those who like strong.. drink it black.

Write down what you ate to day and look out for those hidden calories!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Giving up.

Its so easy to give up.. isn't it?

Its been almost 2 years since I began this journey. At times it feels like nothing is changing.. and then I look at pictures of how I use to look.. and can not believe the change..

Or I put on a size 10 jeans.. and they fit!

Its puzzling to think that my weight isn't going down and yet I'm getting smaller.
Its easy to measure this journey in pounds... cuz after all.. pounds are what everyone wants to hear about.

I know eventually the pounds will even out. And I am sooo glad to see my tummy shrinking.. even if it is ever so slow.

I feel like I am slowly learning how to eat normal.. like having cake at a party. But a small slice with no ice cream. Or drinking tea, but having it black. Using every chance to get in some calorie burning activities, even if its cleaning my house. Choosing to exercise, even when I'm tired.

I've felt a little stuck in this journey lately. No less inspired.. Just anxious.

I've been counting calories like crazy. (myfitnesspal.com)

Its all worth it... Feeling better. Being comfortable in who I am.. knowing my heart is beating freely.. and my lungs are not being pushed down..

It feels like discovering life all over again..

I know this is life long. And no matter how slow the race. I will finish it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today's snap shots

Photo flash back!

Me after my first 10 pounds of weight loss.. almost 2 years ago.

Losing 1 pound to me now, feels like losing 10!

put some sugar on it

I've been doing some thinking and some research on if "fake" sugar is better for you than "real" sugar.

One article said that we should avoid both. But I'm a tea drinker. And I like my tea sweet. But my family has diabetes in it.. and I think I might be brainwashed into thinking "fake" sugar is actually real.

Fake sugar.. splenda, sweet & low, equal.. (and many more).. are made of chemicals.
You wouldn't got around eating cleaner or plastic. But I put nice little spoon fulls of chemicals into my tea. hmmm..

well, I decided to decrease my intake of the "fake"..

And increase my intake of actual sugar.

This week I've eaten a few mini cupcakes. Some chocolate. And tons of fruit. And what to you see.. my weight is going down!

I still have a little (fake) sweet in my tea. But I've been avoiding diet drinks. Eating less like a diabetic and more just healthy. Feeling pretty good!