There is something I've been thinking about for some time now. I haven't really figured out how to say it.. but I am going to try.
I read a lot of things about how people "yo-yo diet".. or they "fad diet". We try every diet.. every pill.. every promise out there. And then we get depressed when it doesn't work.. or it does for a while.. then we quit. We hope someone will tell us the secret. Someone will slip us a magic bean and we will wake up thin. The problem is.. that doesn't solve the problem. The problem is us. When we start our "attempt" to lose weight.. and then eat candy and cake 3 times a day. We are the problem.
I'm sorry to be harsh. But its the truth.
The biggest thing in weight loss is that everything counts! When we eat candy, it counts.. when we eat salad.. it counts.. when we drink soda or juice it counts!
We don't slip of "the wagon".. we jump off! When we eat a bunch of junk.
I understand addiction. I have a food addiction. I am happy to admit that I LOVE to eat. My first thought are to eat. I'm not perfect. Today I drank a soda. It was diet coke caffiene free.. I never drink soda. I know its not good. But today I had one.
But that doesn't mean I have to start over tomorrow.
I just keep living. Changing your life can not be a trial. You are eating to live, or living to eat. Think about it.
Its about breaking the cycle!
Everyday is going to be a struggle. As time passes, I eat less bad things and more good things. Eventually.. we will eat less of everything, and only what keeps us fueled and healthy.
Our lives are not a tv show. We have to choose, and commit.
No matter what.. don't start over. No matter what.. don't give up.
In the world of health and weight loss.. everyday counts!
YES IT DOES!!!Everything does count, it is so true! So excited for your big day~ so soon :D