You are a little bit hungry, what do you do?
You head the vending machine. You grab a tasty drink.
You find yourself chomping on the free box of donuts in the break room..
and before you know it.... nooooooo!! What did I do?!
Yes.. I'm talking about SNACK time!
The first way to stop your snacking habits is to find out what they are. This begins with a food journal. Write down everything you eat in a day. Everything! Even if its m&m's at 2am. Write it.
This will help you to see where you are consuming calories. Now.. you might be a good snacker! Perfect! But for all of those who are night time nibblers.. read on..
Step 1:
Get rid of all your cookies, cakes, ice creams, chips, and anything else that is fatty, sugary, and what we call.. comfort food.
Step 2: replace foods with fruits, yogurt, vegetables, or rice cakes.
Step 3: Keep busy. If you are at home do something. You might want to eat because.. thats what you do when you watch tv. Boredom got the best of you.. and so.. why not eat? no no! Try doing something else. Reading.. exercising.. knitting..drawing.. blogging..
Step 4: Make sure to eat every few hours. Eating normal balanced meals will keep you feeling full longer.
Step 5: Bring a snack with you everywhere! I bring granola bars, sometimes even an apple. To ensure I wont be grabbing that muffin at the coffee place, or heading to fast food for a quick fix.
Step 6: My personal snacking alternative is drinking water or herbal tea (no sugar added). This is a great way to keep yourself full.. without adding calories.
At first its hard to say no to people when you are at a party and they offer you something to eat. But they will be even more impressed when they see you skip the cupcake they made.. and a few months later you are a size smaller! :)
*Once I went to a thanksgiving party. My family and I ate a health meal before we went. When we arrived, the only thing I snacked on was sliced green peppers. It paid off!