Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Heart

There is a movement across this world. A movement that promotes a healthy lifestyle. However there is an even greater epidemic, One that promotes obesity. Which Movement are we part of?

The question is.. how did we get this way??

"Many factors can contribute to obesity and overweight, such as, lifestyle choices (e.g., lack of exercise), medical conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism), and genetics (i.e., heredity). When a person takes in more calories than he or she uses, overweight and obesity result. These excess calories are stored in the body as fat, and unless weight-control strategies are put into place, more and more weight is gained." (

Look around you.. fast food.. fried food.. easy food.. fatty food. Do we even know what is in that food? Do we even know what it does? People joke about what they are eating. Sadly they don't realize the harm it is doing to their bodies. Truly examine the food. Check out the fat content. Check out the calories. We can not assume that a salad is good for us, just because it involves lettuce. Most food items and drinks hold more calories that you probably thought.

55 percent of the state I live in, is overweight or obese.

My heart is to help people realize how to eat, how to live, how to be healthy!

Some may not realize it, but when you are obese, it controls your life. Its takes the joy of life from you. The best part is, that can change.

I want to tell people my story, to help them see. That they can do anything! We all can do anything.

So today.. lets try harder, run faster, love harder, and live a healthy and whole life. Lets do it, together.

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